How We Engage
How We Engage
As a service provider, we understand that one must constantly innovate and reinvent oneself in order to remain competitive, so we always seek new ways to contribute to our clients' success by researching new technologies and skills, enhancing our processes, and strengthening our resource base in our development locations.
Collaborative approach
We take a highly consultative, collaborative approach, looking at each engagement individually and aim for the best possible understanding of our client's problems. Initially, our international account team will act as a user-friendly interface for our offshore delivery facilities. However, eventually we eventually want your in-house team to be able to work closely and communicate directly with each and every member of
the offshore team, as if they were your own employees. We do not believe in a "throw-it-over-the-wall-and-wait" approach to offshoring, and we work hard to establish transparent governance and communication channels between the onshore and offshore parts of your team.

Process and engagement model
Based on the nature and the timeframe of the project at hand, we will make our recommendations for development methodology and process, balancing rigorous discipline of the CMM framework with the speed and productivity of Agile methods such as XP and Scrum. We will work with you to set up metrics, controls and
procedures to ensure the highest degree of transparency, so that your offshore project never "goes dark" on you. We will also work with you to determine what engagement model will suit your needs best in any particular case and recommend the appropriate setup, from a project-based approach to the establishment of a dedicated Offshore Development Center (ODC).

Project setup
We are able to respond in a highly flexible manner to your infrastructure, connectivity and security needs. For each project, our support engineers and analysts identify any additional services that may help the client
best achieve their objectives (e.g., need for specific expertise, IT infrastructure, and reused components and tools). We will select the consultants for the core team, and jointly develop the staffing plan with you to ramp up your project team over time to ensure successful delivery against your timeframe.

Offshore delivery and onsite work
Although our main service offering lies in the area of offshore development, we are able to meet specific requirements for onsite work. In cases when the client requires onsite presence for a project,
we will put our experienced engineers, analysts and project managers close to the client's in-house team to ensure smooth knowledge transfer and close collaboration. We will also assist clients in the deployment of our solutions by sending consultants to client sites for training and post-delivery knowledge transfer.