Banking & Financial Services
In a highly competitive Banking and Financial Services environment, compliance and regulatory requirements shares “top priority” status with customer satisfaction and risk management. Increasing customer sophistication is catalyzing business innovation, which in turn drives top line and bottom line growth.
In response, financial institutions are pressing ahead with customer-focused innovative methods to optimize business processes, consolidate IT systems and simplify customer service while complying with regulatory norms and enhancing security. In an effort to keep the house in order, enterprises have begun to understand the benefits associated with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
AGS helps banks and financial services firms enhance innovation, manage transformation and comply with regulations while driving efficiency and managing risks. Our deep technology expertise builds a valuable platform from which innovative, cost efficient, and highly effective solutions develop. AGS’s ERP expertise helps provide a consistent enterprise view, facilitates transformation, brings best practice workflows and increases operational efficiency.
We employ a host of flexible delivery models and customer-centric solutions to meet the ever evolving challenges of the financial services industry, ultimately focused on creating sustainable value and results for our partners.
Technology-Based Services
- Strategic Enterprise IT Roadmap (STEIR)
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Application Development and Maintenance
- Software Quality Assurance
- Production Support
- Systems Integration
- Business Process Management (BPM)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Analytics and Decision Support