.NET Offshore Development Center
The Microsoft .NET platform is having a significant impact on the way applications are developed for the Internet. This platform represents a major step forward for Microsoft developers, encompassing many of the object-oriented design disciplines and managed code innovations that have become popular in e-business application development over the last few years.
The .NET architecture can help businesses better leverage the software assets they already have, and more rapidly add new software services and make them productive. It can also be employed to reduce application complexity and the related

costs of developing and maintaining software. Employing open standards and Web service protocols, .NET greatly improves the interoperability of systems and helps companies more easily utilize applications and data from customers, suppliers and partners.
AGS Expertise
- .NET system design and application development
- Developing web services using the .NET framework and the SOAP toolkit
- Re-engineering applications to .NET from legacy systems
- Migrating web and desktop applications to .NET
- Managing application upgrades
- Developing application interfaces (APIs)
- Enabling remote/mobile access to applications
Core: .NET Framework, DNA, COM, COM+ XML Web Services: SOAP, XML Languages: C#, Visual Basic (VB).NET, ASP.NET NET Servers: BizTalk Server, Application Center, Commerce Server, Content Management Server, SharePoint Server Solutions: B2B Integration, B2C Application Development, Web Services based Application development, Reusable Components Mobile Solutions